Providing a transparent platform for the RuneScape community to report, track & retrieve stolen wealth
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Accused of: Not Splitting
Damage: 189.750M
Imcook3d, Chuck N0rizz, HELLS ARENA, and I al...
Accused: HarryxRS
Accused of: Stealing Borrowed Items
Damage: 1200M
someone I been playing with for a long time a...
Accused: Its SIKE
Accused of: Stealing Borrowed Items
Damage: 500M
Naturally I like to help people when i can, a...
Accused: CamilIoRuga5
Accused of: Stealing Borrowed Items
Damage: 900M
A long time old friend of mine borrowed my 3r...
Accused: springvick
Accused of: Not Splitting
Damage: 222.4M
A 5 man team was running Nex in The Kodai, a ...
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Case Rating Definition
Case meets the bare minimum evidence threshold. This is considered to be good evidence but may lack some additional context or evidence.
2 Star
Case meets the minimum evidence threshold & includes some additional supporting evidence that matches the story.
3 Star
Case has a large amount of clear evidence that correlates directly to the story.
4 Star
Case includes very strong undeniable evidence, but may be missing a clear confession.
5 Star
Case has extremely strong undeniable evidence with a clear confession directly tied to the in game account.
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