Stealing Borrowed Items
On June 23, Jazor requested a loan for a bond and said he will pay back double in 1 week. I lent Jazor 4.1 mil (the bond price at the time). [Screenshot 1]
He still hadn't paid back as of July 6, so Ztriplex, the clan leader, got in touch with Jazor and on July 7 he said he will pay me back "tomorrow". [Screenshot 2]
He didn't. Then on July 10, Jazor DM'ed me saying he was busy at work and that he will pay me back on Sunday, July 12. [Screenshot 3]
He didn't. So I DM'ed him on Friday, July 17 with a final warning, and he said he's in f2p and that he can't pay for even 1 bond. [Screenshot 4]
The same day, he was seen voting that he will buy 2 slots for the Scythe of Vitur raffle at 83.5 mil GP per slot. [Screenshots 5 and 6]
He was also seen claiming 2 slots for an Ancestral Robe Top raffle at 6.8 mil GP per slot. [Screenshots 7 and 8]
He still hadn't paid back as of July 6, so Ztriplex, the clan leader, got in touch with Jazor and on July 7 he said he will pay me back "tomorrow". [Screenshot 2]
He didn't. Then on July 10, Jazor DM'ed me saying he was busy at work and that he will pay me back on Sunday, July 12. [Screenshot 3]
He didn't. So I DM'ed him on Friday, July 17 with a final warning, and he said he's in f2p and that he can't pay for even 1 bond. [Screenshot 4]
The same day, he was seen voting that he will buy 2 slots for the Scythe of Vitur raffle at 83.5 mil GP per slot. [Screenshots 5 and 6]
He was also seen claiming 2 slots for an Ancestral Robe Top raffle at 6.8 mil GP per slot. [Screenshots 7 and 8]
Mero Lorelei
Original Rsn:
Old School Bond
Evidence Quality:
A Great Clan
Mero Lorelei
Date of Abuse:
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