RH Elevated
Not Splitting
RealDragery, LEVlTATE, and I decided to do a 380 invocation ToA raid. When LEVlTATE joined us, someone that he had just met and ran a raid with, Rockworth710, asked to tag along, and we all agreed to run a 4-man, 380 invocation raid and split all purples, except for the Lightbearer Ring and the Elidinis' Ward.
LEVlTATE solo'd Phase 4 of the Wardens, which led to a completion, and a purple chest in Rockworth710's name. Rockworth710 had 3 deaths in the raid, and the rest of us had 1 death each.
The purple chest in the accused's name contained a Tumeken's Shadow.
The accused collects the loot and tells us to add him and meet at G.E. for our splits.
We meet him at the G.E., and he tells us to wait for the Shadow to sell at a higher price. After ~5min, he said the Shadow sold for 1217m. We each agree to take a 300m split, and we were ok with him keeping the extra 17m as a tip. After a couple more minutes, he trades LEVlTATE 305m.
The accused then trades me and puts in 300m in the trade screen. After I accepted, he waited ~1min in the trade screen, then declined the trade, and logged out without trading me or RealDragery our due 300m.
The accused then name changed from Rockworth710 to Hammyboy710 to Miketommas to Sithcucumber.
LEVlTATE solo'd Phase 4 of the Wardens, which led to a completion, and a purple chest in Rockworth710's name. Rockworth710 had 3 deaths in the raid, and the rest of us had 1 death each.
The purple chest in the accused's name contained a Tumeken's Shadow.
The accused collects the loot and tells us to add him and meet at G.E. for our splits.
We meet him at the G.E., and he tells us to wait for the Shadow to sell at a higher price. After ~5min, he said the Shadow sold for 1217m. We each agree to take a 300m split, and we were ok with him keeping the extra 17m as a tip. After a couple more minutes, he trades LEVlTATE 305m.
The accused then trades me and puts in 300m in the trade screen. After I accepted, he waited ~1min in the trade screen, then declined the trade, and logged out without trading me or RealDragery our due 300m.
The accused then name changed from Rockworth710 to Hammyboy710 to Miketommas to Sithcucumber.
CI0, RealDragery
Original Rsn:
Tumeken's Shadow (uncharged)
Evidence Quality:
Date of Abuse:
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Saw this scumbag asking about what to invest into at GE (3rd age axe in particular). Guy probably doesn't give a hoot about the folks he fucked over. Hope ya'll get some justice at least! - Anon
ci0 is a known liar, he didnt put any proof in there nothing said about splits, nor that he ever even got tradet like he claimed - Soft Nooch
Soft Nooch is the scammer's friend! Add RH Elevated and Soft Nooch to your ignore list if you do not want to get scammed - Anonymous
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