Stealing Borrowed Items
Juga, was giving a serp helmet and Osmumtens fang as a loan , i got the serp back, but not the fang, also he had my Bandos god sword( BGS )but I don't have a picture of the trade , but have a picture of in game chat asking for it back ( fang, bgs )

and when I asked for the two items back he left discord, clan and no one can talk to him via discord , turns out he also scammed a dhl ( dragon hunter lance ) for anther clan mate

I have pictures of trade with ( serp, fang ) him leaving discord , clan and not being able to contact him anyway , also I have a picture of asking for my items back and that's when he left, I can get more pictures if I have to verify more from owners of cc, and discord. (all pictures should be dated and displayed )
Original Rsn:
Bandos Godsword
Osmumten's Fang

Evidence Quality:
Eternal Gems
Date of Abuse:

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Comment Feed

This is a false accusation those items were Jugas he was a member in our clan and Envii would borrow his items often. Envii is trying to blackmail him for items. - Ed ge
If the listed player would like to dispute their case, they're welcome to raise a ticket in the RW dicord and do so. https://discord.gg/runewatch-293451186848137237 - ConnorField
I can confirm Juga woox walked off with the loot and did scam envii - Woox
I’m the REAL Ed ge, and I did not write the comment above, juga is using my name as you can put whatever name you want - Ed ge
I did not write that can confirm in game - Ed ge
As joint leader of EG (the clan this scam took place in). Have just been speaking to Ed ge and he says the comment above wasnt him. - Ion I