S oda
Stealing Borrowed Items
I have known SODA ( S oda, Cana Soda, Flat Soda, 877 Fap Now) for a few months now, not really that good of friends but have hung out in Horizon PVM discord a few times. He usually pvmed with a good amount of people in my clan doing TOB and he was always talked to people so I had assumed he had split some TOB drops( He never split any big ones). he did have a few sob stories i listened to one day about his IRL problems, and i ended up feeling bad for him.
He is permanently muted in game for racism, so that should of also been a pointer to me, but I unfortunately try to see the good in people.
a week or so ago he got a scythe split and then asked me if i could lend him some cash to buy a scythe. me feeling bad for this loser as I found out was my downfall. I lent him the 275m and he was still around and everything and it was something I was not to worried about so i did not bother him for it back.
This past week he messaged me again asking to borrow an Ely for inferno, and then continued to talk to me more than usual, so as I see now he was just planning on scamming it the entire time. I ended up messaging him for the ely yesterday, and after a few hours I knew he had scammed it, and I looked and he had left our mutual discords.
I reached out to the owner of the other mutual discord we had in common Kastle drakan which is a TOB teaching server. He replied with the conversation he had already had with soda, where he told him he was scamming me and he would no longer be friends.
Today I went to the ROT discord to be able to message him, and he confirmed what he did and that he did not care.
Below I have photos of our discord conversations, him confirming it is a loan multiple times. then asking for the ELY loan aswell. I then have the confession to slim paul which includes the photo that we had in our personal chat of me giving him the ely. I have also attached both trade screens, him removing me in RS and him also admitting in a personal chat with myself.
I was foolish and it was my mistake to believe him, but others need to make sure to be aware of him.
This man is toxic and do not do any type of PVM or PVP with him at all costs, it does not phase him to scam anyone and lose any friends he can
He is permanently muted in game for racism, so that should of also been a pointer to me, but I unfortunately try to see the good in people.
a week or so ago he got a scythe split and then asked me if i could lend him some cash to buy a scythe. me feeling bad for this loser as I found out was my downfall. I lent him the 275m and he was still around and everything and it was something I was not to worried about so i did not bother him for it back.
This past week he messaged me again asking to borrow an Ely for inferno, and then continued to talk to me more than usual, so as I see now he was just planning on scamming it the entire time. I ended up messaging him for the ely yesterday, and after a few hours I knew he had scammed it, and I looked and he had left our mutual discords.
I reached out to the owner of the other mutual discord we had in common Kastle drakan which is a TOB teaching server. He replied with the conversation he had already had with soda, where he told him he was scamming me and he would no longer be friends.
Today I went to the ROT discord to be able to message him, and he confirmed what he did and that he did not care.
Below I have photos of our discord conversations, him confirming it is a loan multiple times. then asking for the ELY loan aswell. I then have the confession to slim paul which includes the photo that we had in our personal chat of me giving him the ely. I have also attached both trade screens, him removing me in RS and him also admitting in a personal chat with myself.
I was foolish and it was my mistake to believe him, but others need to make sure to be aware of him.
This man is toxic and do not do any type of PVM or PVP with him at all costs, it does not phase him to scam anyone and lose any friends he can
Case Evidence Has Been Archived.
Original Rsn:
Elysian Spirit Shield
Elysian Spirit Shield
Evidence Quality:
Horizon pvm
Date of Abuse:
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waste of fucking life scamming pixels - Al Tomp