Sexy Orc
Stealing Borrowed Items
Yeah, I stopped playing the game around Christmas and Tummy asked me a few days after new years if he could borrow some gear. I lend him the items from the 1st screenshot without hesitation, because I knew I wasn't gonna play again any time soon.
We then had contact for about a month on and off and he would show screenshots of him getting better and better hydra pb's and screenshots of all the loot and lvls he was getting
Then last monday the 3rd of February he asked me if he could borrow scythe, which I had told him previously that he could just ask for if he wanted to use it
So I traded him the scythe and didn't hear from him for 2 days, but didn't think any of it, because he sometimes would be off the game for a few days visiting his girlfriend or something like that
But then Yipee pm'd me on saturday and asked if I had heard from Tummy in the last few days, which I had not, but didn't think too much about it
But Yipee then told me he thought that Tummy had blocked him on facebook, which we confirmed monday (2 days ago). Tummy also made a new facebook profile and blocked Yipee straight away aswell
I think that's about it
We then had contact for about a month on and off and he would show screenshots of him getting better and better hydra pb's and screenshots of all the loot and lvls he was getting
Then last monday the 3rd of February he asked me if he could borrow scythe, which I had told him previously that he could just ask for if he wanted to use it
So I traded him the scythe and didn't hear from him for 2 days, but didn't think any of it, because he sometimes would be off the game for a few days visiting his girlfriend or something like that
But then Yipee pm'd me on saturday and asked if I had heard from Tummy in the last few days, which I had not, but didn't think too much about it
But Yipee then told me he thought that Tummy had blocked him on facebook, which we confirmed monday (2 days ago). Tummy also made a new facebook profile and blocked Yipee straight away aswell
I think that's about it
Original Rsn:
Armadyl Chestplate
Armadyl Chainskirt
Imbued Heart
Twisted Bow
Arcane Spirit Shield
Ancestral Robe Top
Ancestral Robe Bottom
Pegasian Boots
Primordial Boots
Dragon Claws
Ghrazi Rapier
Sanguinesti Staff (uncharged)
Imbued Heart
Armadyl Chainskirt
Imbued Heart
Twisted Bow
Arcane Spirit Shield
Ancestral Robe Top
Ancestral Robe Bottom
Pegasian Boots
Primordial Boots
Dragon Claws
Ghrazi Rapier
Sanguinesti Staff (uncharged)
Imbued Heart
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