Not Splitting
Haha no (Big Chudney) , Ethanol , gammafluxx , Geezah was raiding in WDR in which it's all split and haha no got a dex to his name and ended up leaving and not splitting the dex.
Ethanol, Gammafluxx, Geezah
Case Evidence Has Been Archived.
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haha no
Dexterous Prayer Scroll
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We Do Raids Discord
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When our group of friends Attempted to learn how to do Theatre of blood. The entire 30ish kills we did with him he never got a drop in his name. we only had 1 drop that was split which was a justiciar faceguard inside my name at 3kc. the other drop was our ironman named "friend" that he gave us the split via his main account. Prior to me joining hero pvm i didn't "know the leader well" and i wouldn't threaten anyone to get on rw at all. Every time blood asked to raid with us we already had a 4 man group for tob and they didn't want to do 5 mans and he would get upset about that and blame us for ignoring him when he joined the voice discord to raid. before the chamber of xeric raid started egg said he was going to split it via voice. Eggplants intention was to split any item he got on his ironman. Eggplants is a really good friend of mine and he would've scam anything, he's split 2 tbows with myself and some mutual friends we had. Blood is blatantly lying about the comment he made. I don't want him to try and snake his way out of this situation when he has no evidence of this, If you're innocent why would you double name change and delete everyone he used to talk to? He blocked me so i can't join his cc anymore (i was going to submit his double name change but i had eggplants do it because i was on his ignore list and couldn't provide his double name change. I just want this situation to be done and other with but with him attempting to lie his way out of this and get away with it. - Rova
No evidence was proven with the evidence provided that goes with what happened to the accusation. - Player#18305