An Ugly Nub
Stealing Borrowed Items
On August 30th, Roughly between 2pm and 3pm a person by the name of Discord Name Shaun (AKA) Rsn: An Ugly Nub, pm me yesterday in regarding if he could of borrowed some gear to proceed in attempting the colosseum in Varlamore. he was also resisting and requesting if he could borrow my ancestral gear long with my twisted bow, Scythe, and Full Torva to attemp this on his baby pure. So i loaned him my Full Torva and Scythe out of good faith thinking he will give it back the next day. When i got back online today i messaged shaun via discord and had me blocked unable for my message to go thru. He had also deleted all his discord messages.
Golden Gil
Original Rsn:
An Ugly Nub
Torva Full Helm
Torva Platebody
Torva Platelegs
Scythe Of Vitur (uncharged)
Torva Platebody
Torva Platelegs
Scythe Of Vitur (uncharged)
Evidence Quality:
Golden Gil
Date of Abuse:
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Can confirm An Ugly Nub scammed my friend for her items, removed her from the GIM group, and sent her a ton of nasty horrible messages attacking her personally on a sensitive form of communication. - TM45
Clan information is wrong - Joe
His mains name is Doesnt Trade an iron btw - Bailer
This is a burner account, main acct rsn is Doesnt Trade. - RS Surge
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