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(Wealth Returned)
(Wealth Returned)
Stealing Borrowed Items
rahimedas asked me for bond money with a promise of giving it back as soon as he turns member. After accepting the trade, he simple turned off his pm and was oblivious the fact that i did him a favour. he has still not deleted me from friends list, which makes me wonder that he is well aware how reports of abuse are filed on RuneWatch.
RuneWatch Staff Note:
This Case has been republished due to a new offense causing this case to be republished even though it was paid back. This account is PERMANENTLY LISTED on RuneWatch.
Case ID of other offense: 190f41c
RuneWatch Staff Note:
This Case has been republished due to a new offense causing this case to be republished even though it was paid back. This account is PERMANENTLY LISTED on RuneWatch.
Case ID of other offense: 190f41c
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Aight listen bud aha you gonna be posting this shit lol can i say you did commission staking (against TOS) you doxed me and im 14 thats kinda funny and sad coz its illegal and your doing it over pixels, your a spoillt monkey irl who gets everything handed to their ass you do not deserve to play rs man thanks and look i didnt scam aight you trust traded me and its 200m not 400m <3 . another thing is that obviously all the fucking staff members of ur clan are gonna suck your dick and go on your side if they know or dont know the sitiuation and another thing is that a decent amount of people from unbuckets agree with me and dont like you lmao fucking retard own clan dont like him. last thing is 4 people from my clan are ranked in runewatch and died laughing reading this post. ty for 400m - j1
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