Stealing Borrowed Items
He pmed me, talking about how his gorillas trips were 3-4 kills a trip. I told him to add me on discord, and send me some setup pictures to base off of what he has to help him out. He sent me the photos and asked if he could borrow some stuff. So I lent him the stuff, and told him I'll be back in 40 mins cause of a league game. When I was back, he wasn't logged on so I figured he went to eat or something. Then I tried to pm him on discord and he had me blocked.
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Original Rsn:
Verily I am
Necklace Of Anguish
Amulet Of Torture
Bandos Tassets
Guthix D'hide
Amulet Of Torture
Bandos Tassets
Guthix D'hide
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this idiot tried to do the same thing as me. but for a dwh even went and did a bandos trip with me. if you're reading this literally kys - not saying my real ign
same bullshit except im 99% sure he was camping my cc. outright said the name of the person i trust most and knew what gear i had. then pretended to be that person and asked if i could loan my dhcb so they could try out vorkath. really low and borderline psycho such lengths people will go to mentally manipulate you - in a pvm cc
Same happened to me. I did trade my bandos plate armour and bottoms over though. I'd literally got them that day and had sold most of my bank for them. 48m worth gone. - Rather not post my name
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