Not Splitting
Jamieh95 was hosting a raid in Wdr , Me(EELT) , Bill Bowlegs and; Sad but true joined the raid at around 17:00 gmt+2. Raid took about 30 mins and the host ended up getting a t-bow. After getting the drop he remained in olms lair and logged out after a minute or two. He left his cc and turned his private off. After a few hours we were able to talk to him via his cc in which he claimed to regret doing it and felt bad and wanted to split the money. After some conversation it became evident that he was just trolling us and kicked us from the cc and logged off. He did this a few times : pretending he wanted to split the bow , get our hopes up then kick us from cc and go offline.
EELT, Bill Bowlegs, Sad but true
Case Evidence Has Been Archived.
Original Rsn:
PvP Newb
Twisted Bow
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Just saying I just raided with him and we got dhcb he split me no problems. - Deadtrees
New name: Mr Tbow - Lucas
Le6.... You're still harassing our clan? Including Kiwwion (DeadTrees clan owner) who you together with Danky Irit (Aka Danky ranarr) scammed his Bgs and photoshopped a bunch of images? You would have ended up on RuneWatch back then and there if we had enough screenshots. Hope you still have your ankle collar lmao. o7 - LeScammer
Using anothers rsn name doesnt make you look any better, le6. We all knew you were a scammer from the beginning who would do everything to make himself richer. Hoping life finds a way to fuck things up for you (probably already has been because of that aggravated assaults you have done, good job). - Spliffje
Just raided with this guy as a learner. Gave me 4-man Dex split. - Monsterkid
Just split me a elder maul & ancestral hat 4 man. - bobcats own
Players have been removed from the cc "True cc" due to scamming previous clan chats and this tbow from WDR. - True CC
- True cc - whole clan chat scams beware everyone. The owner of the clanchat is Nov. - True cc scams
Ruff_Runs (aka le6, dankiherby)
changed his name again - a medhelm
changed his name again - a medhelm
Changed names from Ruff_Runs to RanRuff. Joined my cc, Air OSRS, and has been constantly asking to raid. Just banned. Keep an eye out. - Rubix
could you please remove Danky ranarr from the Victims he was in on it with him :/ - a medhelm (aka snaqk)
:') You're mad I outed you in the Gen chat of your discord server mate. - True CC
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