Iron Svedde
Not Splitting
About four weeks ago, my swedish community clan "Swedes" held a two week long bingo. This was our biggest event yet with a prize pool of well over 1 billion gp. Nearing the end of the event we did a couple of Cox CMs with our bingo team. These were 4 man raids and included:
RSN: Zyl / Discord: arbetsfri<
RSN: Iron Svedde / Discord: svedelidus
RSN: Rakbin / Discord: rakben
RSN: Tandanus / Discord: tandanus
We agreed to split all prior to the raids started according to our community guidelines, everyone agreed to these terms. Our last raid RSN "Iron Svedde" got a twisted bow on his ironman and we were all excited for him. As we stand at the raids bank and await split he tells us "I need to figure out how to split this, I only have 60m". This came as a shock seeing as how we all had vocally communicated we would split drops before starting to raid. He then said he would borrow gp off of a friend of his to settle his debt with the three of us. Now, well over two weeks later, no gp has been distributed amongst us and Iron Svedde has since been banned not only from our swedish community clan Swedes but also the second swedish community clan OSRS Sverige as news of his scam got around.
As this was all done in a swedish community, needless to say all communication between involved parties is in swedish too. This makes things a bit trickier but hopefully not impossible. He has been extremely nonchalant about the whole thing, shifting all blame on his friend for being slow and even us for pursuing this matter. This morning he left our bingo team's Discord server saying "I am sorry I did not make this my number one priority in life".
All in all, it is a 1700m worth Twisted Bow that should have been split 425m per person for a total of 1275m in scammed gold.
I made an imgur album containing hopefully enough pictures. While there are more chat logs I believe these are all of the essential ones. All of these are also in gyazos attached to the case.
It contains:
1) A picture of him on hiscores. His RSN is still Iron Svedde
2) A .gif tieing his Discord name and User ID 196354710263955457 with a picture he posted of his account in-game with the RSN Iron Svedde
3) A .gif of us saying we got a tbow in our bingo team's Discord channel and him writing "have written down my debt to you guys, going to see if I can salvage a 425m cashpile to each one of you, only have 60m cashpile on me right now"
4) A picture of him banned from our Discord server. There is now also an attached .gif of this
5) A picture of the tbow drop itself
6) A Discord chat message tagging him asking "How are things going?" and him responding "Slow but steady, I am the king of mobile now when working, but I have not forgotten about you guys :)" followed up with "Last time I heard from my mate he said "of course you can borrow from me, I will get you the money when your clan mates genuinely think you are a scammer"". It was at this point we realized we most likely would never see any money. There is now also an attached .gif of the same thing showing his Discord username and ID
7) A in-game chatbox picture of PMs with him asking "Do you have a rough ETA estimate on your buddy?" and him responding "... So it could be 1-200 days Xd".
8) A .gif of our clan rules from our Discord server. "All PvM loot is to be split with clanmates. Teams of ONLY ironmen can choose to FFA if they want to."
RSN: Zyl / Discord: arbetsfri<
RSN: Iron Svedde / Discord: svedelidus
RSN: Rakbin / Discord: rakben
RSN: Tandanus / Discord: tandanus
We agreed to split all prior to the raids started according to our community guidelines, everyone agreed to these terms. Our last raid RSN "Iron Svedde" got a twisted bow on his ironman and we were all excited for him. As we stand at the raids bank and await split he tells us "I need to figure out how to split this, I only have 60m". This came as a shock seeing as how we all had vocally communicated we would split drops before starting to raid. He then said he would borrow gp off of a friend of his to settle his debt with the three of us. Now, well over two weeks later, no gp has been distributed amongst us and Iron Svedde has since been banned not only from our swedish community clan Swedes but also the second swedish community clan OSRS Sverige as news of his scam got around.
As this was all done in a swedish community, needless to say all communication between involved parties is in swedish too. This makes things a bit trickier but hopefully not impossible. He has been extremely nonchalant about the whole thing, shifting all blame on his friend for being slow and even us for pursuing this matter. This morning he left our bingo team's Discord server saying "I am sorry I did not make this my number one priority in life".
All in all, it is a 1700m worth Twisted Bow that should have been split 425m per person for a total of 1275m in scammed gold.
I made an imgur album containing hopefully enough pictures. While there are more chat logs I believe these are all of the essential ones. All of these are also in gyazos attached to the case.
It contains:
1) A picture of him on hiscores. His RSN is still Iron Svedde
2) A .gif tieing his Discord name and User ID 196354710263955457 with a picture he posted of his account in-game with the RSN Iron Svedde
3) A .gif of us saying we got a tbow in our bingo team's Discord channel and him writing "have written down my debt to you guys, going to see if I can salvage a 425m cashpile to each one of you, only have 60m cashpile on me right now"
4) A picture of him banned from our Discord server. There is now also an attached .gif of this
5) A picture of the tbow drop itself
6) A Discord chat message tagging him asking "How are things going?" and him responding "Slow but steady, I am the king of mobile now when working, but I have not forgotten about you guys :)" followed up with "Last time I heard from my mate he said "of course you can borrow from me, I will get you the money when your clan mates genuinely think you are a scammer"". It was at this point we realized we most likely would never see any money. There is now also an attached .gif of the same thing showing his Discord username and ID
7) A in-game chatbox picture of PMs with him asking "Do you have a rough ETA estimate on your buddy?" and him responding "... So it could be 1-200 days Xd".
8) A .gif of our clan rules from our Discord server. "All PvM loot is to be split with clanmates. Teams of ONLY ironmen can choose to FFA if they want to."
Zyl, Tandanus, Rakbin
Original Rsn:
Iron Svedde
Twisted Bow
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