Not Splitting
Eagles, CM and myself agreed to split nightmare drop 3 ways. 2 Other people in the group were ffa, but we had all agreed to split if any of us got drop. Eagles got inquisitor skirt drop, then didnt show up at GE. At first he said he was doing a random event (image 1), then he logged. I dont have more chat messages to show him agreeing to split because I was pming my friend Mattx in excitement and the message storage for pms is very tiny unfortunately. Pics show the history from the very top of the chat bar. You can see my pms to mattx and in another pic you can see both CM and I tried to report the offense in the clan chat immediately after it happened. The next morning I found Eagles and confronted him and during that confrontation he admits to not splitting with us (image 5 and 6). I hope all of this is more than enough to get Eagles put on runewatch. He has been banned from the nm ffa clan chat.
Original Rsn:
Inquisitor's Plateskirt
Evidence Quality:
nm ffa cc
Date of Abuse:
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Comment Feed
this guy is a manipulator, took 20m and even said he would give back just to block me off after - rsn 2z
This Guy Took 14M from me also, in borrowed items. - Kbi
He scammed me too! - TeamTitans
talks way to much crap, also keeps stalking us on multiple worlds this guy ? - SkaffaXD
Idk what to tell you Torture, you think im gods, fuck him. if you want to talk about it and want me to prove to you. i'll prove it. Just don't get me mixed up with someone else. i joined his clan 2 days ago cause of my name so i said sure and joined. you accusing yet you not tryna hear me out. - Titan killer
@Titan killer Please get in touch with me on discord. - Will osrs
titan killer, dont trust him and change your bloody name will ya! lol - T0rtur3 u
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