Josh yammy
Stealing Borrowed Items
So awhile ago i gave Josh yammy 500m because he was desperate and said he needed gear because he looked like a noob and it didnt look good as the new clan leader. He promised me he was going to step up. little did i know he was getting handouts left and right. Recently, some clan drama has taken place and several people have come forward saying that josh is becoming a tyrant, basically demanding things from people. The Real clan leader had to step in and confront him, and he basically put him in timeout. Josh absolutely flipped out, he left the clan and the discord saying he is going to do shady things like start his own clan, just before this he wanted an additional 100m to merch with because he dosent know how to make his own money. i felt lied to and betrayed so i wanted some of my stuff back. now he is claiming i am the one scamming him and he is harassing people in my clan so they are having to mute/block him.
Prime Rez
Original Rsn:
Josh yammy

Evidence Quality:
Prime Gift
Prime Rez
Date of Abuse:

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Yeah, this josh guy is a bum and not very good at the game - ToughJesus
Josh has borrowed from me and always paid back. He even paid me irl for a computer i sold him. He is no scammer. I was in the cc for years. Rez simply wanted josh's position - bobbert152