Stealing Borrowed Items
I met this person a couple of weeks ago and we started talking and becoming friends. I helped them out with getting items to alch for gp and all seemed normal. They were offline for a couple of weeks and when they logged back in they said they were hacked for 120m and all untradables dropped/deleted. I gave them some melee gear for slayer and went to raid with a friend. They then contacted me a couple of hours later saying they were missing their fire cape and wanted to get it back. I lent them some gear to do Fight caves and they said they had to go and logged off. straight after they name changed from ElizaQ to Mad E Son and removed me from their friends list. About 30 minutes later they logged on a previous world i had seen them in and started talking with some other people with a fire cape on and some untradables.
Nib Nib312
Original Rsn:
Mad E Son
Toxic Blowpipe (empty)
Necklace Of Anguish
Armadyl Dragonhide Set
Brimstone Ring
Zulrah Scales X 11,983
Rune Dart X 887
Necklace Of Anguish
Armadyl Dragonhide Set
Brimstone Ring
Zulrah Scales X 11,983
Rune Dart X 887
Evidence Quality:
Never Lucky
Nib Nib312
Date of Abuse:
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