Stealing Borrowed Items
I lent out some items to Thedarkgirl so she could upgrade their gear to do some COX raids. it was gear that I was not needing so it was fine by me if they borrowed it. Then they told me that there was a clan that only did COX CM raids and they wanted to join but they required her to have full ancestral due to their magic lvl being one of the weaker ones, which they needed to show a screenshot of their gear to be ranked in the clan then they would trade it back. I then proceeded to let them borrow and when I traded them the gear they teleported and told me they were only going to do quick 1 kc. The kc got done and said they were running it back since the raid had gotten a purple chest. Then after that 2nd kc they just logged off and said they had something come up irl. So, I waited patiently and it was just one excuse after the other. Now they are claiming they can't get into their account. After this they dropped me from a star rank in their fc to just a smiley face.
Original Rsn:
Ahrim's Robetop
Ahrim's Robeskirt
Ancestral Robes Set
Occult Necklace
Tormented Bracelet
Sanguinesti Staff (uncharged)
Primordial Boots
Brimstone Ring
Elidinis' Ward
Serpentine Helm (uncharged)
Bandos Chestplate
Blood Moon Tassets
Osmumten's Fang
Amulet Of Torture
Necklace Of Anguish
Dragon Pickaxe
Armadyl Crossbow
Twisted Buckler
Zamorak D'hide Body
Saradomin Chaps
Spectral Spirit Shield
Ahrim's Robeskirt
Ancestral Robes Set
Occult Necklace
Tormented Bracelet
Sanguinesti Staff (uncharged)
Primordial Boots
Brimstone Ring
Elidinis' Ward
Serpentine Helm (uncharged)
Bandos Chestplate
Blood Moon Tassets
Osmumten's Fang
Amulet Of Torture
Necklace Of Anguish
Dragon Pickaxe
Armadyl Crossbow
Twisted Buckler
Zamorak D'hide Body
Saradomin Chaps
Spectral Spirit Shield
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