Stealing Borrowed Items
one of my friends messaged me asking if he could borrow a bgs for a clue, i said yes went to ge and handed it to him. he then deleted me and logged.
Story from Clan leader
Background: Perpetrator was a member of the OCE Plankers clan and is commonly referred to as Hope. Member frequently shares an account with another member within the clan, it is on this account in which the offences occurred, the account RSN is 'std fun'. The account 'std fun' is owned by a member referred commonly as 'toe luva' but has been exclusively played by Hope. The reason for Hope playing on account 'std fun' is due to his main account 'shishstain' being temporarily banned. (Conversation history will be provided as well as proof that Hope was in positive control of account).
Offence: Member was reported to have stolen BGS . Item was given no collateral. After item was lent to Hope, he then allegedly gambled the item along with items loaned by other members, without the consent of the members and lost all items. Hope later provided an admission that he lost all the items and is quitting after members of the admin team attempted to reach out to him. Hope has now left the discord and clan and is refusing to reimburse or engage with any of the victims. As stated above, offender is NOT the original owner of the account but has positive control of it. Hope has changed the account details on the offending account and for all intents and purposes the offending account is 'hacked' by Hope. Offender is a frequent gambler, it is reasonable to assume that he borrowed the items with the intention of gambling the items away without the consent of the original owners.
Thanks for your assistance.
Mount Eden - OCE Plankers -
Story from Clan leader
Background: Perpetrator was a member of the OCE Plankers clan and is commonly referred to as Hope. Member frequently shares an account with another member within the clan, it is on this account in which the offences occurred, the account RSN is 'std fun'. The account 'std fun' is owned by a member referred commonly as 'toe luva' but has been exclusively played by Hope. The reason for Hope playing on account 'std fun' is due to his main account 'shishstain' being temporarily banned. (Conversation history will be provided as well as proof that Hope was in positive control of account).
Offence: Member was reported to have stolen BGS . Item was given no collateral. After item was lent to Hope, he then allegedly gambled the item along with items loaned by other members, without the consent of the members and lost all items. Hope later provided an admission that he lost all the items and is quitting after members of the admin team attempted to reach out to him. Hope has now left the discord and clan and is refusing to reimburse or engage with any of the victims. As stated above, offender is NOT the original owner of the account but has positive control of it. Hope has changed the account details on the offending account and for all intents and purposes the offending account is 'hacked' by Hope. Offender is a frequent gambler, it is reasonable to assume that he borrowed the items with the intention of gambling the items away without the consent of the original owners.
Thanks for your assistance.
Mount Eden - OCE Plankers -
Original Rsn:
std fun
Bandos Godsword
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