Not Splitting
CrazyCranber hosted a raid in a WDR splits channel. After having a hard time finding WDR people, they went and invited non-WDR friends into the raid. Accused was from WDR.
Victims all claim that there was explicit agreement to "irons ffa, mains split", but accused claims that it was just FFA. Neither side has proof of said split discussion.
Accused (rsn "6ix 7even 67" at the time) gets chaps and immediately logs out, then leaves WDR shortly thereafter.
Accused rejoined a day later, and thus I was able to contact him and have a conversation, which is included in evidence. He admitted to taking the chaps because he "thought it was FFA". WDR staff held a vote and unanimously agreed that it was a split raid, so he was liable to split. He was given 24 hours to repay, but 1h afterwards left the server and refused any further contact. This was the final message with the accused.
~24 hours later he rejoined WDR on a new discord account under his new RSN "C0RTEIZ", and continued to raid on that account until discovered and banned.
Victims all claim that there was explicit agreement to "irons ffa, mains split", but accused claims that it was just FFA. Neither side has proof of said split discussion.
Accused (rsn "6ix 7even 67" at the time) gets chaps and immediately logs out, then leaves WDR shortly thereafter.
Accused rejoined a day later, and thus I was able to contact him and have a conversation, which is included in evidence. He admitted to taking the chaps because he "thought it was FFA". WDR staff held a vote and unanimously agreed that it was a split raid, so he was liable to split. He was given 24 hours to repay, but 1h afterwards left the server and refused any further contact. This was the final message with the accused.
~24 hours later he rejoined WDR on a new discord account under his new RSN "C0RTEIZ", and continued to raid on that account until discovered and banned.
Haoshu X, vakagar, Ayeschwifty, CrazyCranber
Original Rsn:
Masori Chaps
Evidence Quality:
We Do Raids
Date of Abuse:
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