Young G4
Not Splitting
The story as told by Dido: We all agreed on 2820m to sell the scythe was fine but he said no, he wanted to wait for more he is just playing his alt and told us to go do whatever we want. So we sat there for 5 hours waiting for him to sell it. So 5 hours later I decided to go into discord to talk to a higher rank in the clan. The higher rank then Pmed the guy and Two plus two replied with I'm just playing my alt so I'm not wasting anytime atm and why do you even care. That's when I knew we got scammed for our scythe spilt. Then after that the guy turned private off sat there for another 20 minutes or so. Finally he deleted us and everyone else from the clan we all went into his friends chat to check no more smiley.
xBanix, Dido
Case Evidence Has Been Archived.
Original Rsn:
Two plus two
Scythe Of Vitur (uncharged)
Evidence Quality:
Infernal fc
Date of Abuse:
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i'd also like to point out that clown logged into my account (after i foolishly provided him my login to assist me with firecape) and cleaned me of around 350-400m. the only proof i have of this is him admitting to it over a discord call. Take this as you will, but he's a known scammer. i have screencaps of the items he stole. - Sweet Creme
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