Wippy Spuds
Stealing Borrowed Items
On 21st July M uttadile, who name changed from M uttadile > #1VOHW1O70 > Cryptomnia, disappeared with 1.2B borrowed GP from Kalen Bong (who is now called Kuhki)
M uttadile borrowed GP from Kalen Bong to buy a Tbow. However, after 21st July he force name changed himself to #1VOHW1O70 by changing his name to something offensive and getting it removed by Jagex. He then proceeded to play the game for over 1 and half months with the name #1VOHW1O70. He also did the same on his alt account which name changed from Bond Tax > #07I09M371 > Xrp Rocket. Both account carried on gaining XP on high scores with # names.
Proof below shows the trade between the victims and accused along with discord proof of the accused and victims messages on discord and the RSN's linked to the accused discord account where he has posted picture from those RSN's. There is also proof from Crystal Math Labs and RS high scores linking the accused previous RSN with his post # RSN. victim have Gif of them trying to join the accused CC after he finally set his RSN to Cryptomnia. Previously it was impossible to join his CC as his name was #1VOHW1O70. There is also proof that shows his known alts currently called Xrp Rocket and an ironman called Say Sorry. The accused posted pictures in discord on several occasions with these RSN's.
M uttadile borrowed GP from Kalen Bong to buy a Tbow. However, after 21st July he force name changed himself to #1VOHW1O70 by changing his name to something offensive and getting it removed by Jagex. He then proceeded to play the game for over 1 and half months with the name #1VOHW1O70. He also did the same on his alt account which name changed from Bond Tax > #07I09M371 > Xrp Rocket. Both account carried on gaining XP on high scores with # names.
Proof below shows the trade between the victims and accused along with discord proof of the accused and victims messages on discord and the RSN's linked to the accused discord account where he has posted picture from those RSN's. There is also proof from Crystal Math Labs and RS high scores linking the accused previous RSN with his post # RSN. victim have Gif of them trying to join the accused CC after he finally set his RSN to Cryptomnia. Previously it was impossible to join his CC as his name was #1VOHW1O70. There is also proof that shows his known alts currently called Xrp Rocket and an ironman called Say Sorry. The accused posted pictures in discord on several occasions with these RSN's.
Original Rsn:
1200 GP
Evidence Quality:
Elysium CC
Ely Raji
Date of Abuse:
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wow what a sick person he deserves nothingness - random guy
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